Do this one thing to increase your chance of winning a scholarship
I’m going to cut to the chase. Here’s the one thing your child needs to do to increase their chance of winning a scholarship: do...

How to beat the "Grade 12 Overwhelm" and get ready to apply for scholarships
It’s your student’s final year of high school and on top of the “When did my baby turn into a high school senior?” feeling, you’ve also...

How to make your best activities list for a scholarship
Most scholarship applications (and some admissions applications) will request a list of activities. What is an activities list? An...

3 tips to take control of admissions & scholarships
For about 7 years, I travelled around Atlantic Canada and Ontario talking to students and parents about applying to university. I loved...

5 scholarship myths BUSTED
In all of my years of experience in university admission and helping families with scholarship applications, I’ve heard a lot of...

Leadership, High School Style
There is no question that the ability to lead is a highly valued quality in the workforce. In fact, many of you have probably heard...

Caution: Extra-curricular Activities Ahead
It’s starting already: deciding what extra-curricular activities my son will participate in this year. It’s only August, and he’s only...